Shortform name: Bakusai
Long/native name: Principality of Bakusai
Real life culture influence: Welsh, Cornish and Manx
Real life culture of former colonizer: Japanese and Fuzhounese
Population: 10.6 million
GDP (PPP) per capita: $6,200 (65.5 Billion USD)
GDP (nominal) per capita: $3,573 (39.7 Billion USD)
Military manpower (active/reserve): 120,000 active personnel; 250,000 reserve
Language(s): Fusenese and Teiydhwye (Welsh) as the primary official languages with Mukduan, Meonrwhwye (Manx), Cairngwisghwye (Cornish) and Fusenese Ijok Creole having equal official status
Nation description:
Initially inhabited by a variety of indigenous kingdoms and states throughout the 15th to 17th centuries, what became modern Bakusai was colonised by Fusen over the mid-19th centuries during the Fyennarlagh Wars which gradually saw indigenous territories being ceded to the Fusenese colonial administration. The port city of Gyouka was established in Blackpool Bay as a fortified factoria. The port served as Fusen's primary entrepot into West Yojuan markets, giving Fusenese traders access to the at the time lucrative dairy, fur, and beer trade. Mesiaani and Hokanese expansion hampered further expansion into the West Yojuan interior, leaving Fusen with Bakusai as its only colonial territory on the continent.
With limited access to resources and enclosed colonial markets, Fusenese business leaders saw to persuade the government to abandon its previous policy of promoting plantation agriculture in favour are limited investment into the light industry in the enclave. Historic difficulties with accessing indigenous labour, who often sought to avoid corvee taxes, led to the importation of labour from nearby Fusenese colonial holdings in Miju, Napsal, and Cheongju, particularly Tapa, which still make up the backbone of the country's diasporic population. The territory also saw substantial immigration from Fusen and Sinju itself, establishing the mainly Fusense-speaking Ijok and Creole populations, who quickly dominated much of the colony's industry.
Allied forces rapidly conquered Bakusai within the early stages of the Eulhae War, and the territory was given to Mukdu as an indefinite protectorate. Mukduan colonial officials sought to displace Fusenese influence from the territory, encouraging the immigration of Mukduans as well as replacing the then Fusenese-dominated civil service with Makudans. Discriminatory legislation against the established Fusenese-speaking settlers alongside increasing indigenous agitation led to a period of intensive inter-ethnic and racial violence between Mukduan, Fusenese-speaking, and indigenous non-state actors often known as the Bakusaian Civil Conflict. This often led to groups such as TBA and TBA launching urban guerrilla campaigns against the colonial government, as well as frequent insurgencies in the rural periphery.
With the Fusenese-speaking population allying itself with the indigenous middle class, a unified civil rights movement was able to push through a referendum in 1978 amid growing pressure on the Mukduan government, which was largely struggling to contain the sectarian violence, with the pro-independence vote succeeding by a slim margin. As part of an agreement between themselves, the Fusenese-speaking movement acquiesced to an indigenous-led constitutional monarchy so long as a confessional governmental arrangement was established.
The House of Kennaugh, a now creolized minor noble family of !Manx affiliation, was established as the rulers of the state which enjoy executive powers within constitutionally defined limits. Confessionalist arrangements were introduced; officially ethnic-interest parties were banned and the state legislature, the Legislative Council, was established along cooperative grounds. Around 120 of the LegCo's 185 seats were determined electorally, with 50 being appointed by state-mediated ethnic associations representing the country's non-indigenous populations, with a further 10 seats being elected from business groups and labour union leaders. The remaining 5 seats were to be directly appointed by the royal family, and only authorized to vote in instances of a tie. The head of government, the Governor General, was to be appointed from the coalition government with executive approval. For legislation to pass, a simple majority in both the electoral (61 out of 120) and corporatist (31 out of 60) chambers is required.
Today, Bakusai enjoys the highest standard of living on the subcontinent, having a HDI of 0.72 and one of the highest GDP/c PPP. Much of this is due to almost 70% of the state living within Gyouka's metropolitan region where access to state public services is relatively easy. Gyouka has 5.4 million inhabitants and is hailed as being the largest financial and tech hub on the subcontinent, with many major continental banks, startups and other indigenous corporate giants such as not!Ecobank, not!Flutterwave, and not!Shoprite hosting their offices there alongside Sinjuan multinationals. The Bakusai Stock Exchange is the largest on the subcontinent by market capitalization and the country is often listed as the top country in WY to open a business in. Bakusai's economic prosperity has led it to house a large migrant population with hundreds and thousands of migrants from across the subcontinent coming into the country often under its temporary guest work scheme.
Despite the country's great prosperity relative to the rest of the continent, Bakusai is one of the most unequal countries in the world with a wealth and income inequality Gini coefficient of 76 and 42 respectively, with much of the nation's wealth in the hands of its Sinjuanized population. The country has a deep rural-urban divide, with much of the country outside Gyouka being deeply under-developed. The deep racial inequality between the indigenous population and the settler-creole-diasporic groups has been a major point of contention within the country's politics. It is a major source of tension in the country today.
TLDR what if Gabon was Botswana was New Caledonia was Singapore was Joburg was a city-state with a country attached to it.
Are you willing to drastically alter your nation in order to fit with Tiandi canon?: ofc
Main/puppet/NPC: NPC
User (Wiki profile, Discord username, or NS nation): Burg
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How did you find out about Tiandi?: I'm already here dawg