Shortform name: Jeyangdo (濟漾島), native name Fatinos & Aimos (derived from Proto-Italic for "belonging to Fatowos" and "imitation")
Real life culture influence: Nuragic, Paleo-Sardinian, Thapsos Culture (Early); Etruscan (Later)
Real life culture of former colonizer: Korean, Wu
Population: 3,720,891
GDP (PPP) per capita: $7,118
GDP (nominal) per capita: $2,862
Military manpower (active/reserve): 15,000/25,500
Language(s): Korean, Wu, Etruscan
Nation description: The islands of Jeyangdo have historically been a contested area in West Yoju, serving as an important center of trade for both local and foreign empires throughout history. Originally subjugated by the Capnian Empire in 916 CE, the original inhabitants were supplanted by Etruscan speakers. Following Hokanese occupation of Ioccueighe, grape and olive plantations were established on the islands, and thousands of people were displaced throughout the Hokanese Empire to work in the manufacture of olive oil and wine. With the decline of Hokan's empire following the Scarlet Revolution, the islands were forcibly integrated into Jeongmi's ______ Trading Company in 1906.
Under control of the trading company, the economy focused heavily on the export of wine and olive oil, with resources being diverted from other areas to support these ventures. In the decades following Eulhae, independence movements began throughout the islands; while plans were drafted to join the newly-formed nations of Ioucceighe and Sora, the islands were eventually granted independence in 1962. Because the nation's infrastructure was heavily heavily specialized, the new government was heavily reliant on foreign trade. Jeyangdo was the victim of predatory trade deals from multinational corporations such as the (Jeongmian company). In hopes of encouraging economic development, Jeyangdo granted land concessions to these corporations to construct railroads and highways; these projects largely ended in disaster, and effectively created an enclave economy that contributed very little to actual economic growth. Throughout the 70s, the government was increasingly staffed by foreign businesspeople and Jeyadngoans with ties to the corporations. In the late 70s, guerrilla groups began to target corporately-owned infrastructure in a series of terrorist attacks and insurrections. The government was overthrown in 1983 by a military junta that began a brutal campaign of executions and forced disappearances of known corporate employees and sympathizers. The junta was overthrown in 1985, and a democratic constitution was drafted.
Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, the region became infamous for its drug cartels that operate in the area. The current administration is notoriously corrupt, and Jeyangdo is among the poorest countries in the world. The country is still heavily reliant on the export of wine and olive oil, with very little economic diversity.
Are you willing to drastically alter your nation in order to fit with Tiandi canon?: Yes
Main/puppet/NPC: Eba
User (Wiki profile, Discord username, or NS nation): Eba
Link to map claim (optional): The island off the southern coast of Sora but with an additional island; will post proposal in Discord
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