Shortform name: Masatpum
Real life culture influence: Kachin, Burmese, Yi
Real life culture of former colonizer: Jeongmi, Gyaser
Population: 21,174,300
GDP (PPP) per capita: $6,110
GDP (nominal) per capita: $1,895
Military manpower (active/reserve): 150,000/100,000
Language(s): Jingpo, Nuosu, Lisu, Burmese, Tibetan, other Loloish
Nation description: Masatpum was originally controlled by Yadanese kingdoms from the 11th to 13th centuries, then the Gyaseran empire to the 14th century, and warring Yadanese states in the 15th century. The Jingpo-speaking Kuilamu people from the interior conquered the lowlands and established a major state, the Lamuchang, in the 16th century. In the 18th to 19th centuries, Jeongmi colonized Lamuchang and carved out territories from southeastern Gyaser to the dominion. After independence in 1949, Masatpum was established as a federal republic in name, but suffered a series of bloody ethnic conflicts between the Yadanese, Gyaseran, and Kuilamu. A Gyaser-supported and Gyaseran-dominated military dictatorship held power from 1960 to 1990, succeeded by a more diverse but still authoritarian governing coalition. An uprising supported by Yadanasitpin and the Neudang Namtün from 2011 to 2015 resulted in a new government that has established federal direct democracy and progressive social policies. Despite its Neudang affiliation, Masatpum has a Gyaser-supported Tensung monastic insurgency in the north, caused by the new policies' attacks on the privileges of monasteries and ethnic Gyaserans.
Are you willing to drastically alter your nation in order to fit with Tiandi canon?: Yes
Main nation on NS: None
Main/puppet/NPC: NPC
Link to map claim (optional): Plot north of Yadanasitpin
How did you find out about Tiandi?: Wiki