Welcome to Mimangnok (MMR), one of Tiandi's most popular social networking and microblogging platforms! Similar to Earth's Twitter, it provides an outlet for individual expression and social interaction between friends, family, and others. Mimangnok is now being heavily utilized by companies, politicians, and government organizations in order to increase their interaction with the community at large.
While posts here will primarily be written in English, any Tiandian variant of English would heavily differ from RL of English due to the large amount of Sinic and Koreanic loanwords and influence, and also not be widely spoken outside of native English-speaking nations, thus posts here will be presumed to have been translated into English.
No more than 210 characters (character count).
Be sure to follow the standard "tweet box."
For a proper Mimangnok avatar, make sure the avatar is 50 × 50. This can be done through Imgur or any other website that allows you to change image sizes.
Note: If you want to make more than one tweet (which in most cases you most likely will, simply copy and paste everything below, then plug the new text in. Also, don't alter the links of images that should be there (e.g. The Follow Button, stars, etc.)
[img]IMAGE%20HERE[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/n8SkKrC.png[/img]
[size=16][b]Name of person/account[/b][/size]
[size=16]Text goes here [color=#15769A]#Hashtaggoeshere[/color] (no more than 210 characters)[/size]
[size=11][color=#B0B0B0]XX:XX am/pm - Day Month Year from platform/device[/color][/size]
[color=#B0B0B0]RETWEETS[/color] [color=#B0B0B0]FAVORITE[/color]
[size=16][color=#15769A][b]NUMBER OF RETWEETS[/b][/color][/size] [size=16][color=#15769A][b]NUMBER OF FAVORITES[/b][/color][/size]
Seong Su-jeong
I don't mind getting fat if it means eating all this ice cream. What do you think? #taro
02:59 am - 29 June 2016 from Somi Eunha 6 Plus
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